- Chloe and Jason Roweth: ‘Daisy Hill’. Mixed and mastered.
- Jack Sammon: ‘Those Droving Days’. Fully produced.
- Ben Scott: ‘The Sydney Cove Project’. Mixed and mastered.
- Graeme Johnson ‘The Rhymer From Ryde’. Fully produced.
- Orpheus Music (Zana Clarke and Peter Biffin): ‘Lyrical Passions’. Mastered.
- The Spooky Men’s Chorale ‘Tooled Up’. Mastered.
- Silvia Entcheva ‘If I Were A Bird’. Fully produced.
- Colin Buchanan ‘King of Christmas’. Mastered.
- Luciano Mesiti ‘It’s About Time’. Fully produced.
- Fiona Hawkins ‘Portrait of a Waterfall’. Mastered.
- Murray ‘Bum Cack’. Mastered.
- Steve Bevis ‘Tropic of Conversation’ mixed and mastered.
- Gregory L. Seiler and Amanda Handel ‘Ghosts and Angels’. Mixed and mastered.
- Skorba “Temples of Devotion.” Fully produced.
- Walter Robins: ‘Breath of God’ Mixed and mastered.
- John Burland : ‘Lord Teach Me Your Ways’ Mastered.
- Trevor Knight : ‘Favourable Winds’ Mastered.
- Chris Gillespie : ‘Road to Tamworth’ Mastered.
- Fiona Hawkins : ‘Angel Above My Piano’ Mastered.
- Fluoxetine : mixed and mastered.
- Greg Seiler and Alon Ilsar ‘Trigger Happy’. Part production.
- Mozaika : mastered.
- BLAKHATZ ‘Back in Blakhatz’ : Mastered.
- Newpin : Fully produced.
- Donna Jacobs Sife ‘Living in Harmony’ : Recorded.
- Murray Hartin ‘Rain from Nowhere’ Fully produced track.
- Tony Eardley: ‘Desire Lines’. Mastered.
- Kim Cunio and Heather Lee ‘Ishq’ Mastered.
- Kim Cunio and Heather Lee: ‘The Thread of Life’: Mastered.
- Underlapper ‘Red Spring’: Mastered.
- Jason and Chloe Roweth ‘Another Threshing Day’ : Mastered.
- Kim Cunio : Manijiri Ensemble Recording
- Colin Berryman: “Firebird”: Recorded.
- Deniz Simsek: Mastered single.
- Fergusson Elliott’s : ‘Sam’ : Mastered.
- Murray Hartin : ‘The Tater Slater Caper’ : Mastered.
- The Roaring Forties : ‘The Life of Brine’ Fully produced.
- Mic Conway’s National Junk Band. Always come here for mastering.
- The Wheelers and Dealers : Recorded for a new project.
- Warren Fahey 10 CD set re-mastered. ARIA finalist!
- ‘The Rhymer From Ryde’ Recording in front of live studio audience. Mixed and mastered.
- The Lurkers : ‘Shoot to the Moon’ Fully produced.
- Melissa Robertson: ‘My Beautiful World’ Fully produced.
- Yokoinc : ‘Whisper Bar’ Mastered.
- Linda Vogt AM and Zephyr Music : Audio restoration and re-mastering.
- Fiona Joy Hawkins And The Blue Dream Ensemble: “Live at the Q” Engineered, mixed and mastered.
- Richard Harris: Voiceover for Mountaineering son. (not the actor Richard Harris) .
- Springtide Music . ‘Singing My Family Tree’ : Recording, mixing and mastering.
- Gen Jereb : ‘Wedding Songs’
- Stephanie Dowrick and Kim Cunio : A Meditation Mastered.
- Ben Scott: Lime and Steel Mastered.
- Cliona Molins : ‘Golden Apples’. Fully produced.
- Mic Conway’s album ‘Amazing Rubbish’ : Mastered.
- The Newpin Choir – 2nd Choral album: Fully produced.
- The Bushwackers Live album :mastered.
- Warren Fahey’s The Bawdies: ‘Sing Us Another , Dirty As Buggery’ Mastered.
- Willow Stahlut-Kemp : EP Un-named: Mastered.
- Chiera Music :’Jazz Standards’: Fully produced.
- Fiona Joy Hawkins and the Blue Dream Ensemble : Live at the Basement: Mix and master.
- Francesca Sidoti : Bright City Light Fool: Mastered.
- Marie Casanova: ‘Sing To Me’ Mastered.
- Patricia O’Brien: Hypnotherapy album. Fully produced.
- Peta Williams: ‘Meditation On Love’ Mastered.
- Robert Gerrish: voiceover promo for: Flying Solo. Fully produced.
- Katie Richards: Mastered.
- Sophie Watt : Re-mix and master.
- Stewart Holt ‘No Time Like The Present’ Mastered.
- Obese Records and Feral Media music. Mastering engineers of choice.
- Tom Charuk: Silent Titan. Mastered.

- Blakhatz : Mastered tracks via internet delivery.
- Claude Hay and Me-Lee Hay. Mastering.
- Chris Wheeler : Rain In The Mountains. Recorded.
- Claude Hay : video clip for audio remastering.
- The Choir of St James : ‘Ein Deutsches Requiem’ Mastered.
- Francesca Sidoti : New CD un-named: Re-mixed and mastered. Some re-recording.
- Jazz Daquiri : ‘Self Titled’ fully produced.
- The National Junk Band: Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe : Mastered.
- The Parsons Affayre: ‘Membra Jesu Nostri’ Mastered.
- Warren Faye: ‘The World Turned Upside Down’ : Mastered.
- Kate Fagan and Pete Minter : Poetry recordings.
- Azadoota. Session playing: Percussion and zurna.
- Gary Daley ‘Sanctuary’: Mastered.
- Laura Zarb. EP demo. Fully produced.
- Tra Parole e Silenzio CD : assistant engineering
- Nicole Giezekamp AKA ‘Ananda’ : Mastering.
- The Parsons Affayre: O Gladsome Night : Mastered.
- Rebecca Frith : voicover
- John Derum : The Glugs of Gosh : Tape dub, audio restoration and re-master.
- Video post production: The Bridge Project with Tamara Taylor
- Linsey Pollak and Tunji Beier, ‘Ancestry’. Fully produced.
- Senor Cabrales: Aqui : Fully produced
- The Fagans: Judy Small tribute: Recorded and mixed.
- The Parsons Affayre : Via Dolorosa. : Mastered.
- Equus: ‘Dakshin Khun’ : Fully produced.
- The Choir of St James : ‘ Ein Deutsches Requiem’ Mastered.
- Jazz Daquiri’s : ‘Take Me To The Party’: Fully produced.
- David Schweikle : ‘Dad’s Swing Band’: Audio dub-off, restoration and re-mastering.
- Linsey Pollak : ‘The Fire Temple’ Re-mastering for live presentation in main auditorium Woodford Folk Festival.
- Jason and Chloe Roweth : ‘Too Many Bloody Songs About Shearers : Mastered.
- Pape Mbaye : Chosani Afrique : Mastered.
- Julie Adam : Live piano: Cassette dub-off, restoration and re-mastering.
- Noel Balfour : ongoing projects: full productions.
- Senor Cabrales : ‘Sol y Sombra’ Full production.
- Jason and Chloe Roweth: ‘Light Another Fire’. Mastered.
- Tunji Beier: PRRIM Live: Re-mixed and mastered.
- Siebe Pogson and Funk Engine: Various mastering projects.
- Devi Mamak: ‘Piano location recordings’: Full production recorded on location.
- Debbie Deasy: ‘Meditations’: Fully produced meditation CD.
- Julie Williams: ‘Shakespeare Project’: Fully produced.
- Julie Williams: ‘Standards’ : Fully produced.
- Springtide: ‘Spindrift’: Partial recording, mixed and mastered.
- Voila: Community Choir: First album: Location recording, mixed and mastered.
- Brian Jonathon: ‘Going for a Song’: Re-mix, partial recording, mastering.
- Linsey Pollak and Lizzie O’Keefe: ‘Dangerous Song’: Mastered.
- Cliona Mollins and Riley Lee: Mix and master of location recording.
- Matthew Lykos: ‘Singer in a Great Shirt’: Mastered.
- Philip Griffin and Jude Iddison: Full production of work in progress.
- Lenny Duff: Mastered.
- Peta Williams: Importing and re-formating files for use online.
- Grace Chiundiza: Mastering for youtube.
- Marc Eiden: Feral Media: Vinyl masters.
- Podcasting Central: Recording, editing, mixing and mastering podcasts for Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre: ‘Surprising Lives’ project.
- Law Quarter: Initial podcast recording for Podcasting Central.
- Danny Spooner: Danny recorded his final CD here at the end of 2017. It was recorded, mixed and mastered here.
- Margaret and Bob Fagan are currently finalising their CD ‘Landmarks on the Journey’: recorded, mixed and mastered here.
- Blakhatz mastered their latest online offering.
- Anthony Zarb: voiceover and jingle for his book ‘Arlo’s Treasure’.
- Ivar Kants: Voiceover.
- Krissi Elsley’s new album recorded by Andy Copeman and mastered by us.
- Currently re-mastering Mic Conway’s album ‘Amazing Rubbish’.
- International collaboration recording for Ittai Shaked in Israel.
- Video audio project with Cliona Mollins.
- Audio and video recording for The Baladi Project for Trisnasari Fraser.
- Mastering filmscore grabs for Brian Cachia.
- Hugh Merrell’s album finalised.
- Allegra Dunning: Demo album as an award for Emerging Artist for the Folk Federation of NSW
- Redundant Technology: Mastered CD/Album
- The Criks: Recorded/mixed/mastered ‘Hope’.
- Voiceover for Balangara films on The Lyrebird